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HUNTERSVILLE ASSOCIATION dedicated to preserving this unique part of Yorktown
untersville Association
The Huntersville Association is a voluntary and cooperative non-profit association of area residents and homeowners interested in making Yorktown a better place in which to live.
Our mission is to maintain the rural environment and character of the Huntersville area for the appreciation of all residents and visitors and to foster a sense of community among area residents.
The Functions of the Huntersville Association:
* Provide a forum for Huntersville issues and represent area residents with outside parties and organizations.
* Act as a watchdog, reviewing all development and other environmentally sensitive activities taking place in the Huntersville area.
* Organize social functions and community projects, including the annual spring clean-up.
* Work with the Town Board and other government entities on behalf of the communal interests of area residents.
* Form alliances with other societies, coalitions and groups with common interests for greater effectiveness.* Encourage membership in the Association.
* Provide news and other communications to area residents via flyers, e-mails and the web site.
* Through its elected Board of Directors, hold monthly meetings (except summer) to discuss local issues and organize activities.
We work to preserve the historic character and the environment of our community.

Where We Are
Huntersville includes Hunterbrook, Jacob, White Hill, Baptist Church, Old Logging and Wilson Roads. Maiden Lane,
Bridge Point, Croton Lake (Route 129), Hayes Drive, Rustic Ridge, Underhill, Echo Hill, Baldwin Road, Gambelli Drive, Fox Tail Lane, and Beekman Court.
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