HUNTERSVILLE ASSOCIATION dedicated to preserving this unique part of Yorktown
Antique Houses
Van Cortlandt
Tenant House
This historical home was built circa 1735 as a tenant house for the Van Cortlandt family to manage their lands on the Hunter Brook. The architecture followed the Dutch eyebrow construction of the big manor house in Croton.
The Van Cortlandt's daughter married a Verplanck and then, in 1795, the house was sold by Phillip Verplanck II to Elias Quereau.
Dr. Quereau became a leading citizen of Yorktown and was a founding trustee of the Huntersville Baptist Church. The home remained in the Quereau family until the late 1800s.
Old Stagecoach Inn
Built around 1800.
The Baptist Church (The Community Church)
This Greek Revival Church was the original Baptist Church serving the community of Huntersville. The congregation was formed in 1785 and the original building was constructed in 1802. That building was later moved to the corner of Baptist Church and Hunterbrook Roads and now serves as the parsonage.
In 1848 the present Greek Revival-style building was reconstructed. Services were held there until 1890, after which the church was closed for 27 years. The church was purchased by members of the Huntersville community in 1924 and the name was changed to The Community Church.
The adjacent cemetery conains many revolutionary war graves. The community of huntersville disappeared when the waters of the New Croton Dam put much of the area underwater.
It has recently been lovingly restored and serves as the interdenominational Community Church of Yorktown.